Imagine dragons album with radioactive
Imagine dragons album with radioactive

That song, I think the majority of people listen to it and think it's about some post-apocalyptic thing or super hero thing, My manager sent me an article where some popular article said that I wrote it for a Spider-Man movie, completely false, I don't know where that came from. One song in particular that the older and further away from it I get, the more I realize what I was talking about, is actually "Radioactive".

imagine dragons album with radioactive

I didn't, because I relied on religion that ended up not working for me.īaltin: Are there one or two songs then that you now look back on and you feel like you have a totally new appreciation for where they came from? I don't know, things that probably a lot of people figured out when they were younger. It just was a big source of depression for me, it made me feel like life was meaningless, why do I even try, why care about anything, if you're just gonna die. I was spinning, I lost all faith and had the kind of feeling of someone pulling the rug out and that was super hard for me. I actually was probably lying about this." A lot of the early writings of Imagine Dragons were very, very much all about spiritual crisis. So yeah, you're totally right, sometimes it's a year, sometimes it's five years, sometimes you think you know in a year, and then 10 years later it changes and you were saying, "Oh, you know what. There are songs that I look back on our first record, Night Visions, that I never knew what they were about, and now I do. And the truth is, it is sometimes 10 years later, for sure. I think I'm probably too scared to confront it sometimes.īaltin: So are there specific songs you look back on now and the meaning has totally changed for you?

imagine dragons album with radioactive

Then I'm in a healthier place that I actually can confront it. And I really don't, until time passes and I look back. And I'll listen and I'll say, "Wow, I never realized that, but I was actually writing that about dealing with a feeling of drug addiction." Or whatever it is that in those moments you would think I would know. I don't know how other people write, I just know for me, I sit down, and the words come out, and a lot of times I don't know, thematically, why I'm saying these things, or what it even means until a year later. What's the story here that I wanna tell? Well, I wanna say love is hard." Never, I just don't write that way. I've never written a song where I'm thinking, "I wanna write a song about love.


It's like you're writing free hand on a piece of paper, and you're not thinking. The most eye-opening part of my entire career is when I'm writing a song, I'm never conscious fully of what I'm singing about, I'm just saying the words as they come out. Reynolds: So, so true, what you're saying right there. Live Concert Tonight On CBS, Paramount+ Will Celebrate ‘Broadway’s Back’ So, are there moments then on the new album that surprised you as a writer? They're pages in a journal for me.īaltin: Taking that to Mercury - Act 1, as a writer, I'm a big believer in writing being subconscious, and it leads you.

imagine dragons album with radioactive imagine dragons album with radioactive

I've written hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of these songs that are just journal entries. That's been part of my story since I was 12. Even if the band had never gone anywhere, I would have written all these songs, because I need to. It was really all about those core concepts, and it was a cathartic thing for me. And that was the birth of Imagine Dragons. But when you put it into a song it almost feels like you're talking to someone about it, and it was very healing and cathartic for me. And those were not things I was comfortable to talk with anyone else about. And it was my journal, it was a place that felt like a safe zone that I could sing about my feelings, and express how I was feeling. The reason I turned to art was because I was in a spiritual crisis in middle school, and I was really depressed. I definitely think that in my youth Mormonism, my loss of faith in religion, spiritual crisis, dealing with mental health issues, those are all the crux of everything I do with art.

Imagine dragons album with radioactive